Erica & Bud

June 7, 2025 • Erie, PA
85 Days To Go!

Erica & Bud

June 7, 2025 • Erie, PA
85 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Sarah (Rogan) Hallock - Matron of Honor
Sarah and Erica have been friends since they were 3 years old. They've been through all of the ups and downs of life together. Erica's Right hand woman!
Lauryn Notari - Bridesmaid
Erica's cousin, her confidant, vacation roomie, and fellow planner!
Erin Marrazzo - Bridesmaid
Erin is Bud's cousin and one of Erica's best friends. Sometimes it feels as though Erin knows exactly what Erica is thinking!
Maddy Parks - Bridesmaid
Bud's sister and Erica's soon to be sister-in-law, the Yin to Bud's Yang growing up in Maryland.
Lauren Barnes - Bridesmaid
Erica and Lauren met when Erica moved to Baltimore. Lauren is one of the main reasons Erica stayed in Maryland long enough to meet Bud!
Leah Walsh - Bridesmaid
Leah is Erica's soon to be Sister-in Law. She's Erica go to for all things fashion, coffee, and late night convos.
Nick Jenkins - Best Man
Bud's cousin and closest extended family member, who shares his love of both sports, hats, and much more
Brad Ruddon - Best Man
One of Bud's first and best friends from college, and has been with Bud through all the big events ever since.
Doug Parks - Groomsman
Bud's cousin, artist extraordinaire, and the BEST partner for a midnight Primanti's run.
Ted Ghaffarian - Groomsman
Bud's closest friend from high school, with a connection of shared appreciation of music, steak, and much more.
Tyler Longstreet - Groomsman
Erica's brother and Bud's soon to be brother-in-law, the Yang to Erica's Yin growing up in NEPA.